Mass ECAN Conference 2018
Thanks to all who attended the second annual Mass ECAN Conference!
Conference Info
Tuesday, October 30, 2018, 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Framingham State University, McCarthy Center Forum (map)
This is a one-day conference to help shape adaptation action in Massachusetts.
Meet new colleagues and mingle with existing partners
Learn about others’ adaptation work in Massachusetts
Showcase your adaptation projects
Advance your adaptation practice
Conference Proceedings
Conference Materials

Thank You
Thanks to everyone who supported this event!
Conference Planning Work Group: Stefanie Covino (Mass Audubon), Laura Hilberg (EcoAdapt), Bridget Macdonald (US Fish & Wildlife Service), Melissa Ocana (UMass Amherst), Rebecca Quinones (MA Div. of Fisheries & Wildlife), Eric Roberts (The Nature Conservancy) and Kimberly Noake MacPhee (Franklin Regional Council of Governments), and our UMass students: Mike Crowley and Grace McCabe.