Mass ECAN Fall 2021 Series
Thank you to everyone who attended our Fall Events Series! This year, we hosted our very first field trips and continued to offer Zoom activities. See below for more details!
Virtual Events
November Zoom Networking Event & Workshop
Climate Communications Networking Event, 11/8 at 2:00pm-3:30pm
We are excited to create a space for you all to discuss your experiences around climate communications and connect with peers! This will include plenty of time for sharing about communicating the need for climate adaptation projects to stakeholders, best practices, resources and toolkits, and actionable items.
Speakers include:
Krista Haas, Division of Ecological Restoration
Rishya Narayanan, Conservation Law Foundation
Christine Boynton, The Trustees
See the agenda here
View presentations here
Workshop on Resistance, Resilience, and Transformation, 11/16 at 2:00pm-4:00pm
What is Resilience? It seems to mean everything and nothing these days. This workshop will explore the spectrum of adaptation actions that exist across “Resistance, Resilience, and Transformation” (RRT), including illustrative examples from different ecosystems and opportunities to share about your work in breakouts. We will kick off this workshop with Remarks from the Executive Office of Energy & Environmental Affairs.
Speakers and Facilitators include:
Mia Mansfield, Exec. Office of Energy & Environmental Affairs
Lauren Oakes, Wildlife Conservation Society
Todd Ontl, NIACS & Meg Graham MacLean, UMass Amherst
Lauren Oakes, WCS & Madeline Baroli, NIACS
Scott Jackson, UMass Amherst
Danielle Perry, Mass Audubon
Danielle Shannon, NIACS & Julie Busa, Fuss and O’Neill
Molly Cross, WCS & Jessica Cohn, DER
See the agenda here
View presentations here
Field Trips
Missed our field trips? Read up on some highlights here!
Old Town Hill, Newbury - 9/30
Old Town Hill, Newbury - 9/30 at 10:30am - 12:30pm (rain date: 9/30)
Come join us in a beautiful location in the Great Marsh to see colleagues and learn how to help our salt marshes adapt! This field trip will showcase nature-based climate adaptation strategies in salt marshes including ditch remediation and removal of sediment blockages. There will be a short walk to the marsh and rainboots/wellies are recommended. Pack a lunch if you'd like to eat on-site and continue connecting with colleagues. This field trip is co-hosted by Mass ECAN and The Trustees of Reservations.
Arcadia Sanctuary, Northampton - 10/12
Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary, Northampton - 10/12 at 10:30am - 12:30pm (rain date: 10/16)
Join us to learn about transformation in floodplains! This field trip to Arcadia/Northampton's Manhan Meadows will showcase climate adaptation strategies in floodplain forests including novel climate-informed plantings. Pack a lunch to eat in the pavilion while connecting with colleagues. This field trip is co-hosted by Mass ECAN and Mass Audubon.
Muddy River, Brookline - 10/14
Muddy River, Brookline - 10/14 at 1:00-3:00pm
Come learn about Brookline's climate adaptation efforts, including a multi-year partnership to restore the Muddy River to reduce flooding and reconnect habitat. This field trip is co-hosted by Mass ECAN, the Town of Brookline, and the Boston Society of Landscape Architects.
We will follow COVID-safe practices at all of our field trips. More details to follow. There is limited capacity for these field trips, and registration will be first-come, first-served.