Mass ECAN Conference 2019
Thanks to everyone who attended our successful third annual Conference! You can find Conference Proceedings below.
Conference Info
This is a one-day conference to help shape adaptation action in Massachusetts.
Connect to new colleagues and mingle with existing partners
Learn about current adaptation work in Massachusetts
Showcase your adaptation projects by sharing publications and joining our Poster Session
Advance your adaptation practice
Conference Proceedings
Conference Materials
Climate Adaptation Initiatives: EOEEA
Strategies for Urban Ecosystem Resilience
Poster Session
Planning together for resilient communities through nature-based solutions
Addressing Erosion in Natural Areas Under a Changing Climate
Applying Living Shoreline Approaches to Increase Resilience and Reduce Risk in New England
Building Community Resilience through Local Small Businesses
A Community Science Campaign to Map Extreme Heat Locations in Worcester

Thank You
Thanks to everyone who supported this event!
Conference Planning Work Group: Bridget Macdonald (US Fish & Wildlife Service), Melissa Ocana (UMass Amherst), Eric Roberts (The Nature Conservancy), Kimberly Noake MacPhee (Franklin Regional Council of Governments), Julie Wood (Charles River Watershed Association), Marissa Weiss (Harvard Forest), Lauren de la Parra (Creative Resilience Consulting), Heidi Ricci (Mass Audubon), and Julia Knisel (MA Office of Coastal Zone Management).