Mass ECAN October News
Here in Massachusetts, it's a beautiful time of year with the leaves starting to change. It's also a very busy time of year in the climate adaptation community, as evidenced by this jam-packed newsletter! We've highlighted upcoming events and opportunities below, including our own Fall Event Series. We're excited to offer remote and in-person events, including next week's field trip to Brookline to learn about river restoration and urban forest resiliency planning! We're looking forward to connecting with you and hearing from peers on-the-ground.
See below for news specifically curated for our community of practice:
Please forward this newsletter to a colleague and invite them to join us. See you soon!
Melissa Ocana
Climate Adaptation Coordinator, UMass Amherst
We're kicking off our Fall series with feel-good field trips where colleagues are overcoming challenges and getting the work done!
Northampton - 10/12 at 10:30am-12:30pm (rain date: 10/16) Join us to learn about transformation in floodplains! This field trip to Arcadia/Northampton's Manhan Meadows will showcase climate adaptation strategies in floodplain forests including novel climate-informed plantings. Pack a lunch to eat in the pavilion while connecting with colleagues. This field trip is co-hosted by Mass ECAN and Mass Audubon. Sign up here to join us! (There are only two spots left, but we'll keep a waitlist.)
Brookline - 10/14 at 1:00pm-3:00pm (rain date: 10/18) Come learn about Brookline's climate adaptation efforts, including their recent Urban Forest Climate Resiliency Master Plan and multi-year partnership to restore the Muddy River to reduce flooding and reconnect habitat. We're pursuing LA CES credits. This field trip is co-hosted by Mass ECAN, the Town of Brookline, and the Boston Society of Landscape Architects. Sign up here to join us!
We will follow COVID-safe practices. More details to follow as the day approaches! There is limited capacity for these field trips -- first-come, first-served.
Climate Communications Networking Event,
11/ 8 at 2:00pm-3:30pm - We are excited to create a space for you all to discuss your experiences around climate communications and connect with peers. This will include plenty of time for sharing about communicating the need for climate adaptation projects to stakeholders, best practices, resources and toolkits, and actionable items. Register here to join us!
Workshop on Resistance, Resilience, and Transformation, 11/16 at 2:00pm-4:00pm - What is resilience? It seems to mean everything and nothing these days. This Zoom workshop will explore the spectrum of adaptation actions that exist across “Resistance, Resilience, and Transformation” (RRT), including illustrative examples from different ecosystems and opportunities to share about your work in breakouts. Register here to join us!
Stay tuned to our website for more details!
Thank you to our sponsors!
We had lots of fun on our recent trip to Old Town Hill in Newbury! We learned about nature-based climate adaptation strategies in salt marshes, including ditch remediation, and demonstrated the use of drones to assess salt marsh health. Read all about it on this post by our Trustees co-hosts. Thanks to everyone who came! We're looking forward to keeping the momentum going with our upcoming field trips!
New Mass ECAN Resource : Watershed-Scale Collaboration
We are excited to announce that we are developing a Watershed-Scale Climate Collaboration Toolkit in the coming year, starting with this new resource: Advancing Climate Adaptation through Watershed-Scale Collaboration. Collaborating across a watershed is an effective and impactful way to tackle climate change. This resource provides context for and highlights the benefits of these types of collaborations. We hope it will be useful to help make the case for this work and engage new partners.
Thank you to the existing watershed-scale climate collaboratives that are pioneering this work! Thanks to our Climate Communications and Slow the Flow Work Groups for collaborating to create this resource. Check it out to learn more about watershed-scale climate collaboration and examples of collaboratives in our state!
Mass ECAN Member Spotlight
Every month, we highlight someone in our community of practice so you can learn about a variety of adaptation work and "meet" a new colleague!
Danica Belknap
Senior Environmental Planner,
Southeastern Regional Planning and Economic Development District (SRPEDD)
Bio: Danica has worked with communities in New York and Massachusetts to advance watershed planning and habitat restoration, with a focus on climate resilience and inclusive public engagement. In her previous role with Mass Audubon and new position at SRPEDD, Danica assists communities in Southeastern MA with proactive land use planning that leverages the value of nature to meet local goals. She is also a coordinator of the Resilient Taunton Watershed Network (RTWN), facilitating watershed-scale collaboration and partnership. Danica holds a MA in Marine Conservation and Policy and a BS in Marine Sciences from Stony Brook University.
Climate change adaptation project she's currently excited about: SRPEDD and RTWN partners are working with the communities of Freetown, Lakeville, Middleborough, New Bedford, Rochester, and Taunton, to develop a Watershed Management and Climate Action Plan for the Assawompset Ponds Complex and Nemasket River. Through a public workshop series kicking off this fall, the project team will identify community concerns and climate hazards, then lay out an actionable path forward that accounts for current and future climate impacts, protects drinking water supplies, improves stormwater management, and enhances habitat and recreational access. You can contact Danica for more info.
Funding Opportunity - Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) Planning Grant. These provide support for Massachusetts cities and towns to complete climate vulnerability assessments and develop action-oriented climate resiliency plans. See the RFR and required forms here.
Event - Oak Resilience Learning Exchange, Forest Stewards Guild. Join this two-part learning exchange beginning with a webinar covering oak research and management, followed by visits to field sites at the Quabbin Reservoir impacted by Lymantria dispar (gypsy moth) to hear about the insects’ impact, management considerations, and assess current condition. Register here for the webinar 10/7, 12:00pm-1:00pm. Register here for the field tour 10/14, 9:30am-1:30pm.
Event - Climate Resilience Symposium, Native Plant Trust. Examine current climate change and implications for the future of New England’s native plants, factors for building climate resilience, and how key players can make resilience possible. 10/29, 1:00pm - 4:00pm. Mass ECAN is co-hosting a session at 2pm. Register here.
Webinar - When Climate Moves Communities, Resilient Nation Partnership Network. Hear Governor Charlie Baker discuss resilience, climate action, and managed retreat. 10/13, 12:00pm-2:00pm.
Webinar - How Will Climate Change Impact Forest Wildlife? Northeast Climate Adaptation Science Center. Learn the latest research on mammal, bird, and other species' responses to climate change, and projections for future impacts from Mass ECAN member Toni Lyn Morelli. 10/13, 4:00pm.
Webinar - Overview of the RMAT Resilience Design Standards Tool, Environmental Business Council. This webinar will discuss the new RMAT (Resilient MA Action Team) Beta Climate Resilience Design Standards Tool, used to help agencies and municipalities assess climate risk of projects and incorporate resilience standards in design. Learn how to use it and enhancements that are underway. 10/29, 12:00pm-2:00pm. Register here.
Feedback Requested - The RMAT is also still reaching out to potential users for feedback on the Beta Climate Resilience Design Standards Tool functionality and outputs to identify priority improvements. For more details, see the tool training video and user guide. Submit your feedback via this survey.
Shoutout - Congratulations to the Northeast Regional Invasive Species & Climate Change (RISCC) Management Network for being recognized with a Climate Adaptation Leadership Award from the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.
Job - Deputy Director for Policy, Mass Rivers Alliance, Cambridge. Develop and implement new initiatives and lead Mass Rivers’ policy work in water policy, climate change, environmental justice, and other issues.
Job - Environmental Planner, Merrimack Valley Planning Commission, Haverhill. Assist MVPC with the implementation of regional environmental programming including in the areas of clean energy, stormwater management, climate resiliency, and hazard mitigation. Apply by 10/15.
Job - Senior Infrastructure & Energy Planner, Boston Planning & Development Agency, Boston. Support the City’s climate change and sustainable building and infrastructure priorities by working on policies and programs on carbon neutrality, climate resilience, district energy, microgrids, EVs, green infrastructure, and more.
Looking Ahead: Fall Conferences
Come hear from fellow Mass ECAN members at these upcoming conferences!
Boston Society of Landscape Architects Inside/Out. Please join landscape architects and designers; clients, advocates, and activists; municipal officials and others for free, small, outdoor, socially distant site tours of landscapes throughout our region. Registration is requested.
Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissions (MACC) Fall Conference. This conference will feature opportunities for learning and networking. View the schedule at a glance and workshop & fundamental units descriptions. October 19, 20, 21, and 23. Register here.
Enhancing Resilience Through Nature-Based Solutions and Community Collaboration: Apple Country Natural Climate Solutions.
October 19, 1:00pm – 2:00pm.
Keith Zaltzberg-Drezdahl, Regenerative Design Group
Rebecca Longvall, Town of Bolton
Gillian T. Davies, BSC Group Inc.
Planning a Resilient and Equitable Urban Forest
October 20, 2:30pm – 3:30pm.
- Thomas Brady, Town of Brookline
massFM (Massachusetts Association for Floodplain Management) Annual Conference. The second annual conference will be virtual and include a number of technical training sessions (offering CFM credits), followed by the Annual Meeting itself. Learn more here. October 21, 11:00am - 4:00pm. Register here.
NE CASC (Northeast Climate Adaptation Science Center) Regional Climate Adaptation Science Symposium. Join research panel discussions on resource management perspectives and needs, workshops supporting climate adaptation, breakout sessions, and networking opportunities. October 26 & 27. Register here.
Cumulative and Interactive Threats
October 26, 11:15am
Bethany Bradley, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Rebecca Quiñones, Mass Wildlife
Adaptation Strategies - from Frameworks to Adaptation
October 26, 3:15pm
Regional Conservation Partnership (RCP) Network Gathering - Attend this year’s virtual Gathering to hear real-world examples and share ideas of how Land Justice and collaborative conservation can be locally driven, replicated, and scaled-up to create stronger, more equitable, and resilient communities and regions. November 18, 9:00am - 3:00pm. Register here.
In case you've been wondering what to read next....
- Climate week: Late September resulted in many new commitments and commentaries around this year's theme of "getting it done." For example, a call to protect parks in our state, and private funders committing $5 billion in the next decade for biodiversity conservation as a response to the climate crisis and to reach the 30x30 goal (to conserve 30% of the planet by 2030). Seven late-night shows also tackled the topic of climate change with Climate Night on Sept. 22. You can read the recap and watch segments here.
- Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month: Let's take time this month to celebrate the accomplishments of our Latinx colleagues working on climate change! Revisit the 2020 list of the 100 Most Influential Latinos Committed to Climate Action here. Consider how many Latinx communities are disproportionately affected by the threats of climate change in this fact sheet.
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Welcome to a supportive community of climate adaptation practitioners and researchers who are interested in ecosystem resilience and natural resources conservation in Massachusetts.
Mass ECAN is creating a space for us to learn from and with each other. Together, we can build capacity for climate adaptation that promotes ecosystem resilience and weaves natural resources conservation into actions across sectors.