Mass ECAN December News

 Mass ECAN December News 

It's hard to believe that we are quickly approaching a new year! Despite the challenges of the ongoing pandemic, 2021 was an exciting year for Mass ECAN including our first ever field trips, continued Zoom networking events, and new outreach publications. Thanks especially to our work group members and event partners for all you do to bring us together and advance adaptation practices! I am grateful to be part of this community with you.

Learn more about our 2021 highlights to see what we accomplished together this year.

See below for news specifically curated for our community of practice:

Please forward this newsletter to a colleague and invite them to join us. Here's to 2022!

Melissa Ocana
Climate Adaptation Coordinator, UMass Amherst

Fall Event Series Proceedings

Thank you to everyone who attended our Fall Events Series! This year, we hosted our very first field trips while continuing to offer Zoom activities. See below for proceedings in case you missed it:

Field Trips

It was nice seeing you in-person! See highlights of our field trips here.

  • Old Town Hill, Newbury - 9/30
    • Included a demonstration of drone aerial assessments and adaptation strategies, such as nature-based ditch remediation to restore the marsh
  • Arcadia Sanctuary, Northampton - 10/12
    • Focused on transformation in floodplain forests and participants were excited to get their hands dirty (literally) planting trees
  • Muddy River, Brookline - 10/14
    • Witnessed where a parking lot was turned back into a section of river with native plants, where several geese (and even a great blue heron!) have now made themselves a home
Networking Event
  • Climate Communications - 11/8
    • We shared experiences and resources for communicating about climate change and connected with peers
    • See the agenda here
    • View presentations here
  • Resistance, Resilience, and Transformation - 11/16
    • We explored the spectrum of adaptation actions that exist including illustrative examples from different ecosystems and the work of Mass ECAN members
    • See the agenda here
    • View presentations here
Special thanks again to our 2021 Sponsors: Fuss & O'Neill, GZA, and MA DER!
Mass ECAN Member Spotlight
Every month, we highlight someone in our community of practice so you can learn about a variety of adaptation work and "meet" a new colleague!

Jessica Cohn 
Ecological Restoration Specialist, Cranberry Bog Program
MA Division of Ecological Restoration (DER)

Bio: Jess is an ecologist by training and brings experience in ecological restoration project management, wetland science, environmental policy, and climate adaptation planning to DER. Before joining DER in 2021, she worked on restoration projects in consulting and served as the Climate Change Resilience Coordinator in NOAA’s National Ocean Service. She always looks forward to an opportunity to be knee-deep in the mud from bogs to salt marshes to mangroves.

Climate change adaptation project:
Jess is managing several cranberry bog wetland restoration projects. Wetlands can help moderate global climate conditions by storing large amounts of carbon and water within their plant communities and in the soil. Wetland restoration of cranberry farmland contributes to climate adaptation by restoring stream connectivity to adjacent floodplains, marshes, and uplands, dissipating floodwaters, attenuating coastal storm surge when positioned by the coast, and supporting species migration. Jess looks forward to connecting further on aspects related to climate change adaptation and restored wetlands. 

Opportunity - State Hazard Mitigation & Climate Adaptation Plan (SHMCAP) Update. The Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) is seeking the services of a vendor to develop the first 5-year update to the 2018 SHMCAP. Submit bids by 12/27.

Funding Opportunity - Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Planning GrantThis provides support for Massachusetts cities and towns to complete climate vulnerability assessments and develop action-oriented climate resiliency plans. The FY22 MVP Planning Grant is open for municipalities not yet enrolled in MVP. Submit by 1/7.

Funding Opportunity - Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Action Grant. The MVP program opened an Expression of Interest (EOI) form for the FY23 application round. Potential applicants provide basic information about their project idea and MVP staff will then provide feedback prior to the Request for Responses release date. Submit the EOI form by 2/14.

Funding Opportunity - Emergency Coastal Resilience Fund. The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced funds to support conservation projects that strengthen natural systems and protect coastal communities from the future impacts of storms, wildfires and associated natural hazards, while improving habitats for fish and wildlife species. Submit proposals by 2/3.

Job - Conservation Ecologist, Mass Audubon, Easthampton. Support development of Ecological Management Reports, including climate change vulnerability assessments, and manage and monitor projects including ecological restoration, habitat creation/maintenance, and resource inventory and mapping.

Job - Forest Ecologist, Mass Audubon, Easthampton. Develop climate smart forest management programs to support carbon storage and climate adaptation on private and municipal lands, and implement programs and materials for forest carbon and resiliency initiatives.

Job - Senior Resilience Engineer, AECOM, Chelmsford. Develop approaches to address natural disasters, climate change, and stormwater management. Focus on climate adaptation and resilience projects for local, state, and federal government and other clients.

Job - Ecological Restoration Grants Manager, Division of Ecological Restoration, Boston or Westfield. P
rovide services and support to municipal culvert/road-stream crossing replacement projects, with the goals of providing ecological and climate-resiliency benefits.

Survey - Culvert Failures: Survey of Impacts of Recent Storms. The Division of Ecological Restoration's Stream Continuity Program is conducting an informal survey of Massachusetts municipalities to determine the location and extent of culvert failures, repairs and maintenance due to recent storms. Fill out the survey by 12/15.

The Mass ECAN Reader
In case you've been wondering what to read next...

Mass ECAN Member List

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Welcome to a supportive community of climate adaptation practitioners and researchers who are interested in ecosystem resilience and natural resources conservation in Massachusetts.

Mass ECAN is creating a space for us to learn from and with each other. Together, we can build capacity for climate adaptation that promotes ecosystem resilience and weaves natural resources conservation into actions across sectors.
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Banner Photo Credit: Olivia Douhan

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