Mass ECAN August News
Climate is prevalent in the news these days, from the Massachusetts climate legislation, to President Biden's visit to Somerset (see this fact sheet on his executive actions on climate), to our state-wide drought and heat waves.
As always, there's reason for action. Thank you all for the work you do to make our state more resilient.
See below for news specifically curated for our community of practice:
Please forward this newsletter and invite colleagues to join us!
Shannon Callaham
Climate Projects Assistant, UMass Amherst
Mass ECAN Fall Field Trips
Save the dates!
Join us for a series of field trips this fall that focus on exemplary climate change adaptation projects where DER and MVP support have come together. These events are opportunities to learn best practices and get out in the field to enjoy our natural resources and each other’s company.
Lyman Pond Dam Removal in Southampton
September 7th at 11am
(rain date September 8th)
Tour dam removal site on the Manhan River, witness a fish sampling by MassWildlife, and enjoy local ice cream with your peers! Observe site restoration actions, spread conservation seed mix, and walk at Manhan Meadows conservation property immediately downstream to discuss the importance of woody/complex habitat/stream connectivity for fisheries from a climate adaptation lens. RSVP here.
Co onamessett River Restoration in Falmouth
September 22nd at 11am
(rain date September 23rd)
We heard about this project at our last in-person conference, and now we have the opportunity to visit it – at the best time of year! Tour the recently restored cranberry bog that’s now a flourishing wetland, as well as the new John Parkers Bridge that crosses the Coonamessett. Learn more about bog restoration, climate change adaptation, and how health is being restored to this wetland ecosystem. RSVP here.
Sucker Brook Restoration in Pepperell
October 13th, time TBD
(rain date October 14th)
Tour dam removal and culvert replacement sites in Keyes Parker Conservation Area, and check out the natural beauty of this coldwater resource! We’ll discuss municipal infrastructure and ecology and the importance of stream connectivity and coldwater streams. RSVP here.
These events are hosted by Mass ECAN, the MA Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Program, the MA Division of Ecological Restoration, and local project partners.
Every month, we highlight someone in our community of practice so you can learn about a variety of adaptation work and "meet" a new colleague!

Alison Field-Juma
Executive Director
Bio: Alison works with the communities of the Sudbury-Assabet-Concord River Watershed in central/MetroWest Mass. Using science-based advocacy, recreation and education, OARS works to restore and protect the health of the three rivers and the ecological services of the watershed. Trained in biology and natural resource policy and planning, Alison co-leads the Watershed-based Collaboration Sub-group of Mass ECANS' Slow the Flow Work Group and is Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness certified. While the American eel is her personal favorite among fish, she recognizes that the Eastern brook trout may be the most beautiful.

Climate adaptation project:
Collaborating with the town of Stow, Alison has worked to develop the SuAsCo Climate Resiliency Coalition. Now starting its second year, the Coalition encourages communities to "think like a watershed" and implement their MVP plans in collaboration with upstream and downstream communities. The Coalition focuses on the intersection of water-related and natural resource climate vulnerabilities, particularly water supply, flooding, and extreme heat, leading with the impacts on frontline communities. Communities have started applying together for resilience project funding with regional support from the Coalition. Contact Alison to learn more.
Funding Opportunity - The Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game’s In-Lieu Fee Program invites applications for funding for stream or wetland protection or restoration projects in the Connecticut River watershed and central Massachusetts. An RFP was posted on COMMBUYS under bid number BD-23-1046-COM-COM4-77929. Municipalities, non-governmental organizations, and state agencies are eligible to apply. Apply via email by 8/31.
Event - Boston GreenFest, Foundation for a Green Future. Join the longest-running multicultural environmental music festival in the Northeast in celebrating their 15th anniversary. Learn more here. 8/19-8/21.
Event - EBC 4th Annual New England Climate Change and Resiliency Summit. This event brings together representatives from the New England states to share updates on climate change plans, program priorities, and implementation strategies. Register for this virtual event here. 9/13, 9:00am-12:30pm.
Event - National Land Conservation Conference, Land Trust Alliance, New Orleans. Rally 2022 will offer educational sessions focused on land conservation topics, networking events, exhibits, plenary sessions and an awards presentation celebrating conservation leadership. Register to attend here. 9/15-9/17.
Event - Northeastern Transportation and Wildlife Conference, Atlantic City, New Jersey. NETWC 2022 brings together a community of ecologists and transportation planners, engineers, administrators, and researchers, to share our collective expertise and harness today's opportunities to put pro-wildlife infrastructure solutions into practice. Register to attend this hybrid event here. 9/18-9/21.
Event - Climate Preparedness Week 2022, Communities Responding to Extreme Weather. CREW will host a variety of events that will spotlight the invisible effects of climate change. Learn more here. 9/24-9/30.
Event - Southern New England American Planning Association Conference, Providence, Rhode Island. SNEAPA 2022 delivers high quality, hands-on and interactive sessions, mobile workshops, planning law and planning ethics presentations, member networking, and more. Register to attend here. 10/6-10/7.
Event - National Adaptation Forum, Baltimore. The forum gathers the adaptation community to foster knowledge exchange, innovation, and mutual support for a better tomorrow. Attendance Support Applications are open. Register here and apply for attendance support here. 10/25-10/27.
Job - North Shore Region Director, Mass Audubon. Manage 16 wildlife sanctuaries, serve as the principal Mass Audubon spokesperson throughout North Shore region, and direct programs and activities in the region.
Job - Greenways Program Manager, Mystic River Watershed Association. Lead the participatory design process for park and mobility projects, build relationships with stakeholders, engage the public through meetings and events, and contribute to the strategic direction of the greenways program.
Job - Development and Operations Coordinator, Massachusetts Land Trust Coalition. Assist with member relations, grant opportunities, event planning, program development, and more. Apply by 8/12.
Job - Stormwater Program Manager, Charles River Watershed Association, Boston. Manage CRWA’s extensive stormwater program area and integrate environmental restoration, conservation, and climate resilience in stormwater management across the watershed.
Job - Watershed Resilience Planner, Neponset River Watershed Association. Help lead the formation of a new municipal climate adaptation collaborative for Watershed communities, identifying shared adaptation priorities, building consensus around regional solutions, and translating those into projects and programs.
Job - Climate Resilience Planning Project Lead, Linnean Solutions. Collaborate with cities, towns, community stakeholders, and other project partners to conceptualize, apply for, and execute projects related to addressing climate resilience and climate justice.
Job - Climate Resiliency Engineer / Designer, Kleinfelder. Help lead, inspire, and support their growing climate resilience practice focused on climate adaptation and resiliency, vulnerability and risk assessment, hazard mitigation, social vulnerability and equity, and community resilience planning and engagement.
Job - Climate Resiliency Project Manager, Kleinfelder. Work on ecosystem restoration, climate risk assessments, climate adaptation and resiliency, disaster risk reduction, ecological engineering, coastal engineering, flood attenuation, flood damage reduction, natural resources management and conservation, and sustainable development projects.
Job - Senior Civil Engineer / Climate Resiliency, AECOM, Chelmsford. Work on climate adaptation and resilience projects for local, state, and federal government and other public sector clients.
In case you've been wondering what to read next...
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Do you have something related to climate adaptation that you would like to see in a future newsletter? If you have project, job posting, event, outreach product, or something else that you’d like to submit for consideration, you can fill out this google form. Please note that this does not guarantee inclusion. We’ll select the climate adaptation items most relevant to our community of practice to continue to provide a curated newsletter. We look forward to hearing from you!
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Welcome to a supportive community of climate adaptation practitioners and researchers who are interested in ecosystem resilience and natural resources conservation in Massachusetts.
Mass ECAN is creating a space for us to learn from and with each other. Together, we can build capacity for climate adaptation that promotes ecosystem resilience and weaves natural resources conservation into actions across sectors. Mass ECAN is coordinated by UMass Extension.